Quote to Live By

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

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"Anything can happen, child. Anything can be." - Shel Silverstein

I've been thinking a lot about this quote in the last month of my time in London. I feel like right now, although I still have another year in South Carolina, I'm at a pivotal point in my life. I'm at a point where I've realized how much I like things I never expected, and how much I dislike things I grew up thinking were built in. Not an option. I'm realizing that life can literally be anything you want it to be if you're willing to change it yourself.

There are a lot of questions I'm asking myself about what I want to do with my life. I love London so much, and I truly never want to leave. A few times this week I've found myself apartment hunting or job hunting for advertising/marketing/PR jobs in London. I'm so excited to see my family and friends in almost a week, but if I had the choice, I would stay in London forever. Saying that (typing, whatever) does make me feel a little guilty. I know my family at home is so excited to see me, so I don't want to be completely honest about the dread I have about coming home.

But I can't keep that in the back of my head. When it's time within the next year to actually start looking at job openings, I need to be completely honest with myself about what I want, where I see myself, and who I am. Looking at what I can actually afford will unfortunately also be a factor, but that's growing up, right? I don't have to stay at home. I don't have to come back to London. Literally, anything can happen. While that thought is beyond liberating, it's daunting too. Having too many options has never been my favorite thing.

Has anyone else felt intimidated about the possibilities after graduation or big moments in life? I have coming back to the USA, and then graduation in a year! Who else is in this too?

1 comment :

  1. This whole post is so relevant to my life right now you have no idea!

