This summer isn't over yet and it's already been huge for my 101 in 1001 list, inspired by Mackenzie Horan! At the moment I'm 403 days into my challenge (598 left to go!) and I'm happy with what I've done so far, but I can't wait to cross a few more items off my list.
What have I done this summer? I attended a blogger/professional conference last week in NYC, partnered with an amazing brand, Warby Parker, on the blog, tried another Pinterest recipe (an avocado, spinach, strawberry salad - YUM), completed a Pinterest DIY I can't wait to share, and went to a Bastille show in May - and I have a Passenger show coming up! I also designed and printed my new business cards that I'm so proud of. Thanks Moo! I also crossed off finding a cute but professional planner, thanks to the Whitney English Day Designers that we were gifted at the Smart Girls Summit!
Have you created a 101 in 1001 challenge? Comment with a link and I'd love to see what you're up to :)
Start date: Monday, June 10, 2012
End date: Monday, March 7, 2016
End date: Monday, March 7, 2016
Completed: 28
In progress: 7
To-do: 66
Come up with 101 things(June 2013)Move into my first apartment or house(August 2013)- Go back to London in any capacity, to move or just for a visit
Graduate from USC with a bachelor's degree in marketing(May 2014 - woo!)- Buy my first big girl piece of art
- Visit 5 new states (in progress - Virginia, New York)
- Visit 2 new countries
- Visit 10 new cities (in progress - Savannah, GA August 2013, Richmond, VA March 2014, NYC May 2014, )
Get a professional redesign of the blog(October 2013)- Go to an Avett Brothers concert
- Find my perfect shade of lipstick
- Print out and make a photo album of all of my photos from studying abroad in London
- Take a cooking class
Create a full family tree as far back as I can go(I was able to find one side back to the 10000s in France!, May 2014)- Publish an outfit post
- Participate in the annual Dance Marathon at USC
- Help mom re-do the kitchen however she decides
Buy my domain name for this blog(September 2013)- Pay off my student loans
- Get a tattoo
Work for an awesome company that inspires me professionally and creatively(August 2013)- Learn how to play the banjo
- Get published online by one of my favorite online magazines
Visit my grandparents by myself, just because(August 2013)Attend a blogging conference(July 2014)- Buy a better DSLR camera lens and learn to use it with ease
Go to a Macklemore concert(November 2013)- Visit Nashville
- Run the Color Run
- Run a 5k
- Run a 10k
- Run a half marathon
- Go one month without any sodas
Subscribe to all the magazines I spend too much money on anyway(August 2013)- Become proficient in French...again
- Read 5 books from the Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge
- Bite the bullet and get a J. Crew card
- Refurb my old chest of drawers from my great-grandma
- Make 5 recipes from Gwyneth Paltrow's cookbook
Invest in a classic purse(a black faux leather bag via Target that I LOVE! September 2013)- Learn what kind of makeup actually works best for my face
- Take a road trip through New England
- Create an organized system and display for my nail polish collection
- Learn how to drive a boat from one of the men in my family
Partner with a brand on the blog(June 2014)- Get my hair colored professionally
Take an online calligraphy class(close enough! My sister bought me a calligraphy set that I've been practicing on, July 2013)- Buy my mom the nice, quality wallet she deserves
Watch the Carolina Gamecocks beat the Clemson Tigers at Williams Brice Stadium!(November 2013)- Go to a James Taylor concert
- Make 10 recipes from Pinterest ( in progress! 4/10)
- Memorize 10 go-to songs to play on my guitar when my family asks me to play
- Go to/host an ugly Christmas sweater party
- Ride a jet ski
- Attend a Spoleto festival in Charleston
Find a "grown up" daily/monthly planner that still fits my personality(July 2014)Take a trip to New York City(May 2014 - here)- Record the songs my mom and I have sung together with family for years
- Get my first massage
- Learn how to style warmer weather scarves without feeling like I'm doing it wrong
Write down the family recipes I want to use and organize them into a system(June 2013)- Invest in a pair of Frye boots
- Take a pilates class
- Take a spin class
- Learn how to skateboard
Invest in a cute camera bag(September 2013)Learn how to best cook/fry/bake fish(thank you to my friend Eveie for teaching me, May 2014)Pet a horse(August 2013)- Go 24 hours completely unplugged, i.e. no iPhone, iPad, internet, or anything virtual
- Get dressed up and go to a real New Years Eve party
Find my "signature drink"(definitely a mojito! December 2013)- Find my "signature scent"
- Attend a Fashion Week show
- Paint a cooler for a boy, a southern tradition for y'all northern folk
Visit one of the large plantations in Charleston, i.e. Lowndes, Boone Hall, Magnolia, Middleton, etc.(Visited Boone Hall, October 2013, Drayton Hall May 2014)- Get professional, or at least professional-grade, photos of me to use on the blog, for headshots, etc.
Purchase the calligraphy fonts I've wanted forever(September 2013)- Take a photo with Cocky, the USC mascot
Suck it up and buy an iPad(received one for graduation 2014, so didn't need to!)- Watch 10 classic movies I've never seen (in progress! 2/10 : Love Actually, Ferris Bueller)
- Wake up early to watch a meteor shower
- Take my sister on a trip for just the two of us
- Save up a nice little savings account that I'm NOT allowed to touch (in progress!)
- Rescue a pup
- Create a detailed budget and stick to it for three months
- Donate blood without passing out
- Go to the Camden Cup in 2014 (oops...already passed. Maybe in 2015?)
- Create and hang my own piece of art (in progress - it is painted and hung, but I want to change it up a bit!)
- Buy a set of pretty pajamas
- Create an organized system for my finances...and make one for my mama too
Take my mom to a place that makes a good whiskey sour(here, July 2013)- Complete 5 DIY projects I've pinned on Pinterest (in progress! 2/5)
Design and purchase nice business cards(June 2014)Go kayaking(June 2013)- Learn how to knit
- Read 5 Jodi Picoult books I haven't read yet
- Attend 15 concerts (in progress, 6/15: Passenger August 2013, Macklemore November 2013, Foy Vance February 2014, Amos Lee April 2014, The 1975 May 2014, Bastille 2014)
- Own everything in the Everygirl Fashion Essentials Handbook
- Go to Merlefest
- Buy a "new to me" car or move to a big city where I won't need one
- Put $10 into savings for every goal accomplished
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