City or suburbs?

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

One thing that I love about this space of my own on the interwebs is that I get to show a bunch of different sides of me that I don't necessarily show in real life all the time. For instance, I love the south. I love lazy mornings, bearable winters, SEC college football, and slow drawls in the speech. Going to cities like Charleston and Savannah that ooze southern history and class is one of my favorite hobbies.

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But I also have a part of me that can't get enough of city life. The life, the energy, and the never ending options of things to do and places to see? Lahhhhve. Though my time in the city was overwhelming and crazy at times, every second was exhilarating. Seeing people of all nationalities, with different accents, and different clothes (and even different smells...yes) was so fun and exciting.

While studying abroad in London I wrote about the great things in London and the things I love about the south, but now after graduating, I could really go either way as far as where I will live. Do I try for a big city or do I soak up the south just the way I like? Maybe only the future will tell.

For now, are you more of a big city person or a slow and easy suburbs type? I love both so much, it's hard to choose!

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