Grayed Out

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

With the next week and a half being full of school assignments, exams, and presentations, in addition to the bleak skies that seem to like hovering over Columbia, I'm feeling a little blah, if you know what I mean. A little dreary and a lot excited to get past next Wednesday. If I could be feeling a color, my color feeling would be gray. I'm sorry if you don't hear much from me on this blog over the next few days, as I'll be graying my way through the week!

But these photos, which I recently saw on Pinterest, make me realize that gray (and the subtle colors in the painting) can also be calming, right? Maybe this next week of busyness will remind me that I need to be able to step back, take a deep breath, and relish my last few weeks in school. 

PS - I'm in love with this painting. Anyone want to pick it up for me?

images via Pinterest and Lisa Madigan

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